Monthly: February 2020

Collaborative Learning

Join the Cities4Forests Webinar Photo Challenge

Cities4Forests helps cities from around the world connect with and invest in inner forests (such as city trees and urban parks), nearby forests (such as green corridors and watersheds) and faraway forests (such as tropical and boreal forests). We support our cities to better conserve, manage, and restore these forests. And we provide technical assistance to align local policies, knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer learning, and communication activities for our cities to take climate action together.

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Collaborative Learning

CLEARING HOUSE project kicks off

From the 4th to 6th of September 2019, the Metropolis Secretariat General participated to the launch of the Clearing House project in Bonn. Submitted to the European Commission in 2018 through its H2020 funding program, and CLEARING HOUSE was one of the two winner projects selected from a pool of 48.  The project will foster Sino-European decentralized cooperation in expanding the knowledge of trees and forests in urban areas, and it will end in 2023. The partners of the project convened to review the project’s objectives and work plan.

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