Yearly: 2020


Resilience in the times of COVID-19

This is a tree I see from the window of my living room and bedroom.

It is an oak – a pedunculated oak, one of a few hundred oak species in Europe. My colleagues – foresters – would be able to say a lot of other interesting things about this species’ biology.

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Heroes’ forest – honouring those who keep us safe during the pandemic

Belgian Flanders is a European region notorious for its lack of green cover: roughly 23 percent of the country is covered in forest and less than 11 of Flanders, the country´s most densely populated region, is forested. During the COVID-19 pandemic, green spaces and forests all over the world have become tremendously popular for citizens looking for meaningful ways to fill their days and stay healthy.

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Collaborative Learning

Take our survey on green spaces & urban forests during the COVID-19 quarantine

Many cities all around the world are in a period of confinement to try and limit the spread of COVID-19. This can be a very difficult time for some people and the importance of having a green space to interact with nature is stronger than ever. This survey aims to gather information on how citizens’ attitudes towards nature are changing during these challenging times.

So, if you are interested in contributing, please take our survey:

Green spaces & urban forests during the COVID19 quarantine survey*

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NBS events

[EVENT POSTPONED] | CLEARING HOUSE first co-design workshop – forests and trees of the metropolis: benefits, functions and experiences

Forests and trees of the metropolis: benefits, functions and experiences

Co-design workshop introducing CLEARING HOUSE: urban forests as nature-based-solutions.

The first workshop will take place at the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. Its main objective is engaging stakeholders on issues related to trees and metropolitan forests, in order to enhance awareness and knowledge on ecosystem services.

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Collaborative Learning

Join the Cities4Forests Webinar Photo Challenge

Cities4Forests helps cities from around the world connect with and invest in inner forests (such as city trees and urban parks), nearby forests (such as green corridors and watersheds) and faraway forests (such as tropical and boreal forests). We support our cities to better conserve, manage, and restore these forests. And we provide technical assistance to align local policies, knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer learning, and communication activities for our cities to take climate action together.

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