Forest Library

Discover our book recommandations to dive into forests stories!

The hidden life of trees

Peter Wohlleben

Drawing on groundbreaking new discoveries, Wohlleben presents the science behind the secret and previously unknown life of trees and their communication abilities.

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Humans: The Mark

Alexandra L. Yates

“Humans, Volume 1: The Mark” transports readers to 2125, a century after much of the planet has been eradicated by the Ecological Wars of 2025, where a new group of recruits called the Elite Eight are training to become the future leaders of the Red World Government.

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Where the Crawdads Sing

Delia Owens

This best seller is an exquisite ode to the biodiversity in North Carolina, the story of two troubled romantic relationships and a mysterious murder investigation.

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The New Wild

Fred Pearce

As human population has exploded in the 20th century, so has our impact on nature all over the globe. Increased mobility and global trade have led to travels and mass relocations of not only people but also plants and animals. Some of these introduced species have given rise to ecological challenges, but some have also led to what we could call nature-based solutions, although these often remain overshadowed by the negative stories.

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