Monthly: September 2020


Cities as “natural” problem solvers?

CLEARING HOUSE kicked off a collaborative learning process with first co-design workshop in Gelsenkirchen

What does Gelsenkirchen have in common with the Chinese city of Huaibei?

At first glance, not much. Nevertheless, both cities – along with Barcelona and Krakow, Hongkong and Beijing, among others – were selected as “case study cities” for CLEARING HOUSE (CH), the first Sino-European research project on urban forests.Read more

Collaborative Learning

New products providing guidance on urban tree monitoring

The USDA (US Department of Agriculture) has announced the release of new products providing guidance on urban tree monitoring. These guides are designed around the collection of longitudinal field data – tracking the fate of individual trees – and will enable urban tree professionals to assess mortality and survival rates, tree growth rates, vigor changes, and population size changes:Read more


Madrid’s Metropolitan Forest: a forest belt to reconnect the city’s population with nature

Image by Carolina Madruga on Flickr

The number of people living in metropolises will rise to 3.47 billion by 2035. In other words, 39% of the entire world population. This rapid global urbanisation is taking place alongside countless social, economic and environmental challenges, including climate change, poverty, social inequality, natural disasters and epidemics, to name just a few.

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Blog, NBS events

What is IFTDays?

International Forest Therapy Days (IFTDays) is an initiative of “bridge builders”, which aims to connect people with nature for the overall wellbeing of mankind and the natural world. IFTDays brings together practitioners, scientists, and policymakers working in forest therapy and related fields. The aim is to share ideas, experiences, practices, and research, to advance our thinking and to learn from each other. The gathering represents a variety of disciplines from both science and practice.

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Collaborative Learning

WEBINAR: The role of urban forests in improving community resilience and reducing the harmful impact of COVID-19

There is increasing recognition of the important contribution of trees, parks, gardens, and other natural settings to public health and community welfare. By improving air quality, promoting physical activity, reducing mental stress and enhancing the immune system, trees and green space have the potential to help address problems ‘upstream’, through prevention – a more efficient approach than simply dealing with the ‘downstream’ consequences of ill health.
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